Furoshiki Hime-musubi
The "Hime-musubi" series was created in collaboration with Adeline Klam, a French designer living in Paris. Using organic cotton as the material, this series pursues a design that is beautiful both when unfolded and when wrapped.
What is Hime-musubi?
The "Hime-musubi" series was created in collaboration with Adeline Klam, a French designer living in Paris. Using organic cotton as the material, this series pursues a design that is beautiful both when unfolded and when wrapped. The new sense of design, which combines traditional Japanese patterns with innovative and beautiful use of colors, goes well with contemporary interior design and fashion, and of course blends naturally with Japanese style.
Adeline Klam
A French designer living in Paris who is fascinated by Washi (Japanese paper) and arranges traditional Japanese patterns in a modern way using her unique sense of color. She produces Yuzen paper and offers handmade kits and interior objects using Washi.