Daruma Dolls
Daruma are popular Japanese dolls that symbolize good fortune and are often used to set goals and make wishes. They traditionally depict a monk wearing a red hood and an intense expression, although many different colors and patterns exist today.
Crafted from paper or cloth and weighted at the bottom, a daruma doll will always roll back upright when pushed—a powerful symbol of perseverance, resilience, and success. Add a touch of charm and good fortune to your home by decorating with these iconic daruma dolls.
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More about Daruma Dolls
The name Daruma comes from an Indian Zhen Monk called Boddhi-dharma. A round paper doll of a monk emerged in the Muromachi period (c.1336-1573). Later, Boddhi-dharma's bearded and round serious facial expression was popularized in the Edo period (c.1603-1867) and used as a motif for the doll. Initially there were other round dolls of various sages and deities, but Daruma eventually became the most popular design. Red was a popular color as it was believed to ward off evil spirits and diseases.
The round shape had special meaning for silk-worm makers in Japan. Wishing for the silkworms to make nice round cocoons, people sold and decorated the round Daruma dolls in households from the end of the year until March. Daruma dolls are now auspicious decorations for success in business.
This is a doll which brings good luck and happiness. For businesses, storefronts, and cafes, Daruma dolls can be placed somewhere visible near the entrance.
Or they can be placed in the living room to entertain your guests with this humorous round doll.
Daruma dolls are often given without eyes. While there are various theories about its origins, there remains a story that parents bought them for their children to avoid losing their eyesight due to fever and smallpox. When the child recovered, people painted the eyes.
In the present day, it has become a general custom to make a wish when you get the doll, and when the wish is fulfilled, you would place both eyes. The vivid red color of traditional Daruma dolls comes from the belief of red as a powerful and energetic color which wards of evil spirits and diseases. Many children's toys in the past were colored in red in hopes for children to stay healthy.