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A Bite of Spring: The Journey through Japanese Sakura Desserts

A Bite of Spring: The Journey through Japanese Sakura Desserts

A Bite of Spring: The Journey through Japanese Sakura Desserts

A Bite of Spring: The Journey through Japanese Sakura Desserts

Discover the flavors of Japan's cherry blossom season with delectable wagashi desserts like sakura mochi and hanami dango.

10 Cherry-picked Facts to Wow Your Blossom Buddies

10 Cherry-picked Facts to Wow Your Blossom Buddies

Dazzle your friends with your cherry blossom knowledge with these 10 facts about sakura.

Beauty Blossoming—Japan’s Cherry Trees

Beauty Blossoming—Japan’s Cherry Trees

Novelist Michael Pronko muses on Japan's sakura season and the crowds of people who love them too.